Knox Box Loaner Program
The Richard Davies First Responder Assistance Fund purchased KNOX boxes for Canby Fire to loan out to community members and businesses while they wait for their KNOX box to arrive or need to make access to a home or business a priority during a short-term circumstance. KNOX boxes are mounted to a building and contain a key for access. In the case of an emergency, first responders can access those KNOX boxes with a master key and gain entrance to the building without causes damage from broken doors or windows. Please contact Canby Fire if you are in need of a loaner KNOX box or have questions regarding them.
Visit and select Canby Fire to order your box today.
If you’d like to know more about Knox Boxes or have questions, please call us at (503) 266-5851

If you already have a different lock box, combination lock, garage code, etc. that you would like first responders to be aware of, please visit to enter your information. This will be securely stored with Clackamas County and shared with first responders, should an incident occur at your location and emergency personnel need to gain access.
AED Loaner Program
The Richard Davies First Responder Assistance Fund purchased AEDs for Canby Fire to loan out to community members and businesses while their AED is being ordered, new pads or batteries are shipping, or the AED is out of service for any reason. This program was started to ensure that everyone was covered in the event of a cardiac incident. Please call Canby Fire if you or your business would be interested in an AED loaner.